Real Visit – Inside Co-Living Life: How to Blend Different Communities Together

Coliving is now a new concept of shared living, aiming to enhance individual happiness and save living expenses by residing in the same space and sharing hobbies and life experiences. Coliving seeks to promote community and inclusivity in the accommodation concept. This article will show you firsthand how people with different backgrounds and lifestyles can coexist harmoniously in this shared living environment. This shared accommodation option combines private spaces with shared facilities, creating a sense of community and convenience. This living arrangement is suitable for those seeking social interaction and convenience. If you are interested in coliving, a real visit to an actual coliving space can help you better understand its interior environment and living experience. This article will take you on a deep dive into the interior of coliving life and how to blend the lives of different individuals together. We will show you a real coliving space for you to experience its interior environment and living arrangements.

Brooklyn Townhome

There is an outstanding coliving space in Brooklyn called Golden House, which has been around for three years and has housed nearly 100 people. It is a five-story townhome with nine bathrooms, four kitchens, and 16 bedrooms. There are also impressive artworks, and the residents actively organize various gatherings. Let’s take a look at the description of the video “Inside a Co-Living Brooklyn Townhome (20 Roommates)” by LISTED:

“welcome to the entryway here at Gold House. As you can see, there is some pretty loud artwork here courtesy of my friend Cool Man Coffee Dan. I feel like this is just such a great way to wake up in the morning and to look at this sign right here. It says “Let’s Go”, and that’s kind of like what this house is all about. It’s a house for growth, for people to connect. This art is a great expression of that. All right, so why don’t we head down to the basement and I’ll show you more”

“All right, hello again. So this is the main hangout area. It’s the basement here at Gold House. As you can see, we have some amazing artwork as well. This artwork is by my friend F Dot. He does murals all over the city. As you can see, we’ve got this pride flag up here because we just celebrated Pride Week, and it was a really fun week because we literally had an event every single day. So the first day we watched a movie, and then the next day we had like a poetry night. After that, we had karaoke on Sunday. We all went to the parade together. So I think that week exemplifies what this basement does best. It serves to bring people together in the community. “

If you’re a digital nomad who enjoys sharing life, you’ll definitely love this kind of atmosphere. This kind of atmosphere will keep you away from homesickness and the difficulties of finding friends. At the same time, you can quickly integrate into the life here in a foreign country.

Furthermore, besides the joyful atmosphere, you can also share life, even dinner.
In the video “Inside a Co-Living Brooklyn Townhome (20 Roommates)” by LISTED:

“We do a family style dinner every single Sunday. People will volunteer sort of on a rotation basis, and they’ll cook food for us. People that are cooking the food get to contribute to the community, and then we as community members get to eat the amazing food from all different types of cultures. This is called the Member Wall, and on this side of the wall is all the current members. There are 20 people that live in this house, and then on this side are people that used to live in the house. So we’ve had over 20 countries represented. This house is just a great place for people to be themselves, to meet new people, to learn about others. This is our Goal Wall. These are my goals. I post on TikTok every single weekday, but people work on all different types of things in the house, like dancing or languages. The house serves many different purposes for different people, and with that said.”

This kind of coliving environment allows everyone to conveniently share their favorite food and even items. Through these sharing days, everyone can try different things in such a wonderful way.

Not only that, there are also many shared spaces here, achieving a balance between life and work. Let’s take a look at the functionalities of these different spaces.

In the video “Inside a Co-Living Brooklyn Townhome (20 Roommates)” by LISTED:

“This is the smallest kitchen in the house, but luckily, there are four kitchens. One cool thing about living in a communal house is that everything is shared. For example, this pan is a shared house pan. We also have a bunch of plates and cups. People will move in just usually with a suitcase or two, and then everything else is provided. “

At the same time, each floor has its own kitchen, and there is even a large workspace. In the video “Inside a Co-Living Brooklyn Townhome (20 Roommates)” by LISTED:

“This is the kitchen. I think someone just cooked. This is the dining room table, but people will also work on this table during the day. “

“This is the office room. There’s an office room on a few different floors, and it’s just a communal room for people to work and to get things done.”

In addition, there is also a comfortable place to breathe fresh air. In the video “Inside a Co-Living Brooklyn Townhome (20 Roommates)” by LISTED:

“This is our rooftop. We don’t do parties out here, but it is great for some fresh air.”

Now, let’s appreciate how everyone has decorated their rooms.

Pros and Cons

1.Provides social opportunities: Coliving offers opportunities to connect and socialize, which is meaningful for digital nomads. You can share spaces with like-minded individuals and meet people from different backgrounds and cultures.
2.Cost-saving through resource sharing: Coliving apartments typically provide shared facilities and resources such as kitchens, living rooms, laundry rooms, etc., allowing for cost savings and greater convenience.
3.Flexible housing options: Flexible lease terms are often offered, catering to the diverse housing needs of digital nomads. You can choose short-term or long-term rentals and adjust according to your plans.
4.Sense of community: Coliving creates a sense of community, giving digital nomads the chance to connect and form friendships with other colivers in a foreign city. This sense of community can provide opportunities for support, collaboration, and personal growth.

Points to consider:
1. Privacy limitations: Coliving means sharing space and facilities with others, which can result in limitations on privacy. You’ll be sharing common areas and to some extent, reducing personal space and privacy. If you value personal space highly as a digital nomad, this is something to be aware of.
2. Unpredictable roommates: Co-living with strangers means you cannot predict or control their behavior, habits, and lifestyles.
3. Noise and disruption: Co-living may entail sharing space with others, which can lead to noise and disruption. Different schedules, lifestyles, and personal preferences may interfere with the living experience.
4. Lack of personal freedom: Co-living may require adherence to common rules and agreements to maintain harmonious living. This can limit personal freedom and decision-making power.

This article references the following video sources:

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