Is Da Nang, Vietnam Really the Most Popular City for Digital Nomads in 2024?

In recent years, Da Nang, Vietnam has gradually become a popular destination for digital nomads. What attracts so many digital nomads to Da Nang? Is it really suitable for the digital nomad lifestyle?

Let’s look at some descriptions from digital nomads who have experienced Da Nang firsthand. In Joose the Nomad’s video “The BEST City for Digital Nomads in 2024 – DA NANG, VIETNAM,” some introductions are provided:

“I am currently at Maya Beach Bar, working and enjoying coffee in the morning. It’s really great here and, like everywhere in Vietnam, very affordable. I will quickly talk about the lifestyle and cost of living here. If you’ve seen my previous videos, you know how incredible it is here. It kind of reminds me of Chiang Mai, known for its affordable prices and very suitable lifestyle for online work. But I think it’s better here because we have the beach. The lifestyle here is great; you can go to the beach every day and even surf. There are many cafes nearby that are suitable for work.”

Vietnamese food is certainly delicious and affordable, but Western cafes also provide extremely fast Wi-Fi, such as at Roots, and the Western food there is also very tasty and healthy. The cost of living here is the lowest I’ve seen. You can live quite comfortably here for $500 to $1,000 a month, which is unbelievable compared to most cities. Even in most cities in Southeast Asia, you need at least $2,000 to $3,000 a month to live comfortably. The Wi-Fi throughout the city is generally good, but places like Roots are particularly fast. Even at this beach bar, the speed is quite decent. Such a view makes it an amazing place for work and relaxation. My Airbnb is worth the money and super comfortable, but the Wi-Fi isn’t the fastest. It’s sufficient for daily tasks, but if I need to upload videos to YouTube, it’s very slow, so I go to Roots. If your work requires super-fast Wi-Fi, finding such a place here might be a bit challenging. For this, co-working spaces are perfect.”

 Co-Working Spaces for Digital Nomads

Da Nang, due to the influx of digital nomads, has more co-working spaces that meet the needs of different digital nomads. Let’s look at some descriptions from Joose the Nomad’s video “The BEST City for Digital Nomads in 2024 – DA NANG, VIETNAM”:

“So I visited the Sea View Co-working Space. I’ve heard many people say this is the best place, and it did not disappoint. It looks great, has a wonderful view, and the Wi-Fi is the fastest I’ve seen in Southeast Asia. They have comfortable seating, ample space, and even WhatsApp groups for different events and gatherings. It seems to be a great place to work, with a day pass costing only $5. With this kind of view, Wi-Fi, and everything else, there’s nothing to complain about.

Overall, Da Nang seems to be one of the best places to make new friends and have a like-minded community. Nowadays, there seem to be a lot of digital nomads here. Every time I go to Roots, there are many people working there, and it’s easy to make new friends there and in co-working spaces. There are many gatherings, and people say they’ve made a lot of friends this way. Most people I talk to plan to stay here for at least three to six months, some even a year or longer.

I really enjoy working here. They even provide free instant coffee and bananas, and it’s very comfortable. The Wi-Fi runs very well. I uploaded a 6GB YouTube video, and it took about 10 minutes. At home, it didn’t upload all night. The VIP service here is also great.”

Daily Expenses

Coming to an important question, is the cost of living in Vietnam really that low? For most countries in Europe and North America, its cost of living is very cost-effective. Of course, you need to compare exchange rates. Let’s look at some descriptions from Joose the Nomad’s video “The BEST City for Digital Nomads in 2024 – DA NANG, VIETNAM”:

“I went back home and ordered some Vietnamese food for lunch. It was so delicious, and I got a lot of food for very little money. In Vietnam, banh mi, banh bao, and spring rolls are unbeatable. One great thing for digital nomads is the convenience of ordering food. Grab works very well here—very affordable and very fast. Usually, the food arrives in about 15 minutes. There are many good food options, so you don’t need to waste money on cooking or always eating out. This is a place where you can easily focus on work and business, so from this perspective, it is a great base. However, some people say it’s a boring city, and that might be true. It’s not as bustling as Bangkok, with a lot happening. But if you like to focus on work, lead a healthy lifestyle, go to the beach, and eat healthy food, this place is very suitable.

There’s also a great gym here with facilities like ice baths, so this lifestyle is very suitable here. Especially for a city with a beach and the sea, I can’t imagine a better choice than Da Nang. One advantage here is safety; you don’t need to worry about that. There are also many things to do around the city. You can go on day trips to Hoi An or Ba Na Hills, and there are even some waterfalls. So, you can live here for a while and have a lot to do every weekend without getting bored.”


In many ways, this place is very suitable for long-term living. Vietnam has a 90-day electronic visa option for just $50, so digital nomads can stay here for a long time. You only need to leave and re-enter every 90 days. As a big city, it has all kinds of shops to meet any business needs or daily life requirements. There are also many large supermarkets and shopping centers where you can buy anything you need, which is very convenient.


From January to June, the climate here is good—plenty of sunshine. The weather is a bit cool at the beginning of the year but not cold. The summer is very hot. March and April are the best times. For long-term living, avoiding the heat at the beginning of the year is also good. Now it’s the end of April, and the weather is starting to get quite hot. May, June, and July might be uncomfortable due to the heat. I hope this information can help digital nomads who want to come here.

 Language and Other Issues

Let’s look at some issues raised in Joose the Nomad’s video “The BEST City for Digital Nomads in 2024 – DA NANG, VIETNAM”:

“There are also some downsides. The locals don’t speak much English, making communication difficult and possibly leading to a sense of isolation. I also miss the island vibe and paddleboarding, which you don’t have here. So, it’s not my dream place, but the quality of the food here is excellent—I have never had stomach problems here. In some places, this is a health issue. However, especially in April, the air is a bit hazy. Some people say it’s pollution; others say it’s due to the burning season of the surrounding fields. Whatever the reason, the air is not the healthiest. The traffic is sometimes crazy, so you inhale a lot of exhaust fumes.”

In summary, the main attractions of Da Nang for digital nomads are:

1.  Low Cost of Living : Compared to other Asian cities, the cost of living in Da Nang is very low. According to various reports, digital nomads can live comfortably here with relatively little money. Accommodation, food, and entertainment costs are relatively low, making it an attractive place for long-term residence.

2.  Good Internet Connectivity : Da Nang’s internet infrastructure is gradually improving, with many cafes and co-working spaces offering high-speed and stable Wi-Fi, suitable for remote work.

3.  Beautiful Natural Environment : Da Nang has beautiful beaches and rich natural landscapes, which are a huge attraction for digital nomads seeking a balance between work and life.

4.  Active Community : Da Nang has multiple co-working spaces, such as Enouvo Space and The Factory, which not only provide a good working environment but also offer social and networking opportunities for digital nomads, forming an active community.

5.  Global Ranking : According to Freaking Nomads, Da Nang is listed as one of the top ten cities in the world for remote work in 2024, ranking fourth. This further proves its popularity among digital nomads.

Although Da Nang has a high reputation among digital nomads, whether it is the most popular city may vary from person to person. Other cities like Chiang Mai (Thailand), Bali (Indonesia), and Lisbon (Portugal) are also popular among digital nomads.

In conclusion, Da Nang is indeed a very popular city among digital nomads, but whether it is the most popular city depends on individual preferences and needs.

The content references the following video:

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